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Writer's picture Julie Denys

Client Story - Sensotec & Tibi: A decade of innovation in accessible audiobooks

That we at Sensotec go for long-term partnerships was proven again this week! We were visited by Tibi, the Norwegian Library of Accessible Literature (formerly NLB). NLB was our first customer in 2012 for the audiobook apps we develop at Sensotec. Since then, they have remained loyal customers and we have worked together to keep expanding the app. Currently, 20,000 people with reading disabilities in Norway are using this app!

Logo Tibi library norway

Tibi, a new name for NLB

Recently NLB changed its name to Tibi, and with that the app also got a new layout and name. Previously the app was called LydhØr, now Tibi. You can find it in the Play and Apple store. This name change and rebranding is a sign of the ongoing development of the organization and its services. It indicates that Tibi is not standing still, but is constantly looking for ways to improve the user experience and connect with the needs of the target audience.

The cooperation between Sensotec and NLB/Tibi is extremely valuable for both parties. Not only has Sensotec learned from TiBi's years of feedback and input, but Tibi has been able to optimize its services through the continuous innovation and improvement of the audiobook app. It is a win-win situation where both organizations have been able to use their knowledge and expertise to provide an ever-improving service to Norwegian users.

Plans for the future

Annually, we evaluate the past year's cooperation with Tibi and discuss future developments. This year Tibi did a pilot project with one of our hardware solutions: the most simple to use audiobook player: Daisybox. This with a view to a future discontinuation of the use of audiobooks on CDs and a complete switch to online services. Users can then choose between the app and an online hardware player such as Daisybox. The results of this pilot project were very positive and promising.

Meeting with Tibi and Sensotec

So the collaboration between Sensotec and Tibi goes far beyond simply providing an app. By working together on new hardware solutions and future service development, both parties show that we have a long-term vision and are willing to invest in the future. This makes the collaboration even more valuable and highlights the mutual trust and commitment that exists between the two organizations.

Making a difference for reading disabilities

Reading disabilities are challenging for people with visual impairment or dyslexia, but with the right tools and support, they can gain full access to information and knowledge. With our SensoReader audiobook server and app solutions, we can ensure that everyone, regardless of his/her reading ability, can participate in our society.

Want to learn more about SensoReader and how you as a library or institution can serve your readers with a convenient app and audiobook server?

Don't hesitate to contact our experts for more information:

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