Your partner for multi-media access
Powerful versatile player for audiobooks, websites, radio, podcast and more ... Gives access to a whole new world of audio content.
1,000+ users every day.
5 buttons for simple use.
Endless possibilities for media access.
The powerful
versatile mediaplayer.
The Webbox is ideally suited for visually challenged people who enjoy listening to books, radio, podcasts, TV subtitles and want to access websites.
The large high contrast buttons and simple spoken menu make operating easy for everyone.

Online bookshelf access
The versatile player connects directly to the online library making the use of CDs unnecessary.
This gives you access to a
wealth of books, newspapers
and magazines anytime, anywhere. With one press of
the on button you hear a spoken menu and with the other button you choose what you want
to listen to.
"Thanks to the Webbox I can access all my favorite podcasts, audiobooks and even the subtitles on TV are read out load. A day without my Webbox would mean a very boring day!"
- Daan Vanstraaten

The ideal
solution for ...
Visually impaired people
People with low vision and blind people can use the Webbox smoothly. Thanks to the spoken menu, everyone finds their way through the simple menu.
This way they can enjoy a good book or stay connected to society by following the news in newspapers and magazines.
Distributors of assistive devices
Assistive device distributors will love this versatile player, if they want to offer their customers a high-quality and accessible player for all media that is ready for the future.
Thanks to the Webbox's extremely easy access to online libraries, every customer will be convinced
of its added value.
Libraries all over the world
Libraries around the world who want to offer their readers access to online Daisy books will find an ideal solution in this audiobook player. This way readers with visual impairments will be able to access the best of their library, without the hassle of CD distribution.
Institutes and organizations for visually impaired people
Institutes and organizations for visually impaired people can offer their members the Webbox through various formulas: On loan, through a rental system, on sale, as a test device,...
With the Webbox, they can provide with confidence a quality device that allows their members to once again enjoy media consumption without disability.
I want to know everything about this fantastic device.
Send your contact info to our sales department and they will get in touch with you.

Jeremy Blake
"Thanks to the webbox, I am never bored. I use it from morning to bedtime. It is always there."

Olaf Danin
"Since I lost most of my sight I also lost access to reading. The Webbox once again gives me the opportunity to keep up to date with the news by using a variety of media."

Amira Sinh
"I like romance stories. Now that I can listen to them I also enjoy the voice reading aloud."