The app to offer online audiobooks to your readers.
Why do you still offer audio books and Daisy publications on CD?
Do you represent an audiobook library and want to offer your readers access to an online bookshelf?
Do you have a nice selection of talking books on CD, but you want to offer them via the Internet too?
Then Sensotec's SensoReader online audiobook server is the solution for your organization.

How does it work?
You use only a part of the SensoReader server in which your audiobooks are managed. These books are not accessible to the other organizations whom you share the server with. This keeps the cost down.
Your readers download the SensoReader app on their smartphone or tablet.
Read below how
this works in detail.
With the SensoReader app you offer all your
audiobooks to your readers at low cost.
The advantage of a Daisybook over a regular audiobook is that the reader has a real book experience.
He can browse, bookmark, set the reading speed, navigate between chapters,...

For small organizations, with a limited range of audiobooks, Sensotec now offers the option of joining the SensoReader shared DAISY server. This avoids the significant cost of having your own server.
Daisybooks can be listened to in different ways.
With an audiobook player or DAISY player, or via an app on your smartphone or tablet.
What is the SensoReader server?
This server is a place where audiobooks in DAISY form are collected and offered to readers. Their reading history remains secret.
The SensoReader server is a DODP server. This means that it complies with the 'Daisy Online Delivery Protocol' for distributing online books.
Because many users use this server at the same time, it must be powerful and fast.
What is the SensoReader app?
This app is shared by several organizations. As an organization, you use the SensoReader app to offer your audiobooks. Your readers get a personal log-in to access the part of the SensoReader shared server that your organization uses.
Unlike a personalized app, the SensoReader app retains its own look and feel. Also, no features specific to your organization can be added. It is a generic app that you use. If you desire a personalized app, click here.
Because you share the app and do not personalize it for your organization, a lot of management and development costs are eliminated. So you can serve your readers at a low cost.
The reader sees only your books and not those of another organization. On top, they enjoy all the functionalities of a rock-solid audiobook app.

The ideal
solution for ...
Visually impaired people
People with low vision and blind people can use the SensoReader app as a member of an audiobook library that works with the SensoReader app.
The app is fully accessible and offers acces to books, newspapers and magazines.
Libraries all over
the world
Small libraries around the world who want to offer their readers access to their online Daisy books will find an ideal solution in this app.
This way readers with reading disabilities will be able to access the best of their library, without the hassle of CD distribution.
Institutes and organizations for visually challenged people
Institutes and organizations for visually challenged people can offer their members acces to books, magazines and newsletters via online adiobooks.
With the SensoReader app we make this possible, even for small
organisiations worldwide.
I want to know everything about this app.
Send your contact info to our sales department and they will get in touch with you.

"I love reading books, but my eye condition makes it impossible. Thanks to the SensoReader app, I can listen to books anywhere."

"Reading is very challenging for me because I have dyslexia. Thanks to the SensoReader app, though, I can enjoy the books my friends talk about."

"I like to listen to books when I'm in bed. Convenient that I can count on the sleep function when I fall asleep. That way I don't miss any of the story."